In the last week I have met up with four VERY attractive women from plenty of fish. While the success ratio for going from email to meeting up is about the same as Craigslist, the spam to real female ratio is 1,000 times better! In fact I've had a near perfect record when it comes to NOT being contacted by bots/guys posing as women. If you haven't already done so, get to work on your profile now! You can duplicate it on OKCupid so you'll be on two sites for the price of one... F.R.E.E.
For those of you who prefer the anonymity of Craigslist I understand completely. Just know that crossing over the line and posting a profile with your photo can potentially multiply your success rate like you wouldn't believe. If you happen to be one of those who does not photograph well then you might not want to go this route but... if there is any doubt in your mind or you don't want local girls to see you on a dating site just try posting in a different location. It's worth a try and if you get good results you might decide to post closer to home. Consider it practice at the very least.
I'm working on an outline that will help you put together an effective profile if you don't already have one. It's easy for me to write about myself but creating a sort of "template" for others to work from is a little bit tricky since I don't know the person that will be writing it. I'm going to spend some time identifying what seems to be working consistently so that others will be able to duplicate my method for POF and OKCupid. In the mean time you should at least open accounts at both sites and get familiar with the features that they offer. Between this and Craigslist you will be able to meet more women than you have time for. More coming soon...