Lesson number four: Have a catchy title. I have posted the exact same ad multiple times and got zero or ten replies. Why? Think about a restaurant. What does the sign on the outside of the building say? Having never eaten there before does the sign make you want to go inside? Does it remind you of another place that you have eaten before? Well if that other place was good then you are more likely to give it a shot. But if that other restaurant was awful then you probably will look somewhere else for dinner.
This does mean that there is a certain amount of luck involved. Let's say that you are Italian. If you put "Italian..." in your title, then women with a preference for Italian men will be more likely to read your ad. But let's say that her last boyfriend was Italian and they broke up on bad terms. Maybe right now she has decided not to date another Italian guy. Now if you know women the way that I do, you already realize that what she's thinking at any particular moment does not guarantee that she will not do something completely contrary to it in the near future.
So how do we make this a win-win proposition and not miss out on the girls who might have a preference for Italian men? It's simple.
Lesson number five: Post multiple ads with different titles. While some sites have filters to prevent this from happening, it is easy enough to make a few changes here and there which will allow you to reach a much larger audience. In the online world, your title is your first impression. Make it (or them) a good one(s)!